Friday, February 5, 2010

How much do pet mice and mice accsesories cost in all?

hi. my friend and i got 2 guinea pigs and now we have been talking about getting 2 male baby mice to share and my parents are hard to talk into but if you could give me some tips that would be great!!How much do pet mice and mice accsesories cost in all?
Mice are great little pets! I have owned 2. I currently have one. My mice cost $7 each at petsmart. Including the mice, cage, bedding, all that, I spent a little under $50. You could get it cheaper.

Pine shavings are super cheap and are fine for your mice.

I reccomend lab blocks for food

Do NOT house them in glass aquariums.

I have a superpet primary and its great

The only problem with mice is that they do STINK! You have to clean the cage lots to keep it from being unbearable. My mouse really loves to ride around on my shoulder or on my lap. And loves to run around in his ball.

I didn't spend any money on toys, I just give him toilet paper rolls and crinkled balls of white paper.

Here are all the supplies you will need:

-cage with wire sides


-hiding house


-bedding (carefresh sucks, no cedar)

-food dish

-water bottle

-run around ballHow much do pet mice and mice accsesories cost in all?
These are the prices in hawaii


-Food:5.00 for a 5LB(I have 2 mice 1 bag last 2 months)

-Cage:25.00 and includes house,waterbottle,wheel that connects to cage)

-Food dish:2.44

Mice are delightful little pets,undemanding,inexpensive,easy to care for.They can be kept in there cage full time as long as they have room and toys.They are relaxing and can remain unattended over the weekend as long as they have extra food
Feeder mice make great pets, and are just as good as fancy mice. They are only a few dollars. Two mice will happily live in a 20 gallon long aquarium, which is about 40 dollars. You can get a bigger cage with bars however for less money. I suggest getting a barred cage.
They are quite cheap and easy to look after. Tell you parents that.

They dont make much noise but do pee and poop quite alot. Hehe. The accesories dont cost much either and all you really need is a water squeezer and a food bowl. x

Hope this helps pet.

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