well do you want a mouse free home or not? If not a humane trap is those clean plastic walk in can't get out traps. Just put some peanut butter in it. They love peanut butter. But you have to kill it or it will just come right back in. Then find the holes and put steel wool in all the holes you find.How to get rid of mice?
Well, to kill the mouse and not watch it suffer, put out some patatoes, mice cant fart so it bloats them to the point of death and a cat can eat it with no problem.
Otherwise, maybe you can go to a pet store and ask if they have a mouse trap like they do for cats er soemthing.
Every morning I would wake up early put on rubber gloves and pick up each snap or glue trap from each room and empty it. 8 traps per morning. The electronic device did not keep them away. They just kept coming in. (Oh man and the droppings!) The cat could only catch so many. I picked up 1 box from heavenlyscentsofnature.com and put one pouch by the back door, one under the kitchen sink, one in the child's room and one in the main room. 24 hrs = Gone. So I keep them fresh and added one to each corner of the 2 car garage. Gone. I haven't had a mouse since. They just stay away. I was glad I tried it. I may work for you. Contact them and ask them questions.
awwww no they have life's too =[
you have to think of a safe way for everyone in this situation even the mice.
why don't you the RSPCA?
they might be able to help and take them to safety
and you will be mouse free =]
my friend put poison in like bread dough and he got rid of mice
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