Friday, February 12, 2010

What is your opinion on mice?

i have 8 adult mice and love them to pieces. I've bred one twice before and i had 22 mice at one time, it was fantastic.

but many people think of mice a disgusting vermin...

what do you guys out there think?What is your opinion on mice?
mice aren't gross at all. if you don't clean the cage they smell after awhile, but no where near gross. they can be very lovable animals. and some are very clean. either way just because they're in the wild, doesn't make them gross. there's many wild cats, and dogs, yet people don't think of them as gross. I think most people are just stubborn and then of mice as disease carrying dirty house distroyers. but they're not, at all. :] they make very nice pets.What is your opinion on mice?
I have always loved white mice, came across them for the first time as a teenager at a Nature Park where they were allowed to be handled and pet by people (they were super tame).

Then, I bought one at a pet store, and it bit the heck out of me, which is unfortunate because I was really excited (this was ages ago mind you) to hopefully have one as friendly as the tame ones i saw at the Nature Park.

I do have to say though, their urine is extremely powerful smelling (I have hamsters now and the urine is not even 1/2 as bad to be honest).

But yes, I do find mice adorable and cute!
i dont think their disgusting, i just prefer rats because all of the mice i had either they bite or my cat ate them, shadow[my cat at the time RIP] would straight up open the cage and eat one then close it so i wouldent notice, smart cat huh?lol
I love mice. They make great pets. no way do i think that they are a disgusting vermin.

My grandma on the other hand would say dat they are a disgusting vermin. She has a fear of all things rodent...
Mice as pets are fine! not too keen on the wild ones! haha. I always wanted a white mouse as a child.
I love them, they just smell a bit too much for me to keep them!
i have two they are so cute except my brother made them afraid of people so we cant handle them much without annoying them.
mice are cute, but i find rats much more sociable
i like mice for me their energetic
They are cute XD
they taste like chicken
i agree wiv every1 else there a disgusting vermin

  • big hair
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