Friday, February 12, 2010

Do the plug in pest control devices work? They say they rid your home of spiders, mice, insects etc?????

Nope, don't seem to work!Do the plug in pest control devices work? They say they rid your home of spiders, mice, insects etc?????
No, they don't work.

To keep pests out, seal the cracks (saves money on heat, too), keep the kitchen clean, and make sure there isn't anything for them to eat left out.

In other words: sloppy housekeeping attracts pests.Do the plug in pest control devices work? They say they rid your home of spiders, mice, insects etc?????
Although I have never tried any of them, but, one of the local TV stations does try these different items and judges them as ';good deals'; or ';dud's'; and none of these electronic pest control devises worked.
I've read where they are a fire hazard. so are plug in room deodorizers. but i have used the ones for mice (i live surrounded by fields so occasionally i get field mice) they don't work
no way. i had those and spiders would actually crawl right past it like it wasn't even there. i use foggers.

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