Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Does instant rice and instant potatoes really work for killing mice?

My cats have killed 5 (mousetraps have killed 3) but my cats are getting sick from a parasite the mice are carrying. I have small children as well and I really am concerned with using the poison because of this. The mousetraps are not getting them quick enough. How quick does the rice work (if it works?)Does instant rice and instant potatoes really work for killing mice?
No, they do not. The mice will thrive on it. Get professional advice from the exterminator. There are many kinds of rat poison which are not dangerous for people. Try finding the food source the mice are attracted to and remove it or put it in sealed jars. Once the food is gone, the mice will go also. Good luck!Does instant rice and instant potatoes really work for killing mice?
Probably, but who'd want to kill 'em like that? VERY bad idea. Trust me on this one -- you don't want to kill mice with ANY kind of poison. Traps ONLY. The reason is very obvious if you've ever had mice die in your walls in the summer -- peeeeeeeuuuuuuuuwwwww! You won't want to go in that room for a month!
I've never heard of it but I suppose it would be for the same reason people throw birdseed instead of rice at weddings.
Never heard of this !!!! We have always used a mouse trap with great ease, try and find the nests,,,,are they indoors?In a shed? then put poison down in an empty toilet roll tube. mice like dark places

1 comment:

  1. Yes, instant potatoes do kill mice, but it's not an instant kill like cats or mousetraps. You have to feed them daily at a regular time in the same feeding place with at least a cup of potatoes. I found myself infested before I knew it after months of rain. Mice and rats have a small intestinal tract and the potatoes blow up inside them. put a little bowl of water next to the potatoes. I can attest that it works because one blew up in my bathtub which was gruesome, But I have animals and I cannot afford to let them become ill. I can't stand the mouse traps so...I hear that instant rice works as well, but I have not tried that.
