Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can mice go up a vertical tube?

I want to know if mice can go straight up a tube because of cage reasons. Anybody know???Can mice go up a vertical tube?
Hi there...mice can climb vertically so long as the tubes has a textured surface so that their nails can grab ahold of the surface more securely.Can mice go up a vertical tube?
Mice are incredible climbers. As long as the tube is not mirror glass smooth they can go up it.
If the tube is ribbed they can climb it, however, if it is smooth then they cannot.
Yes they can, the little horrors climb up my monitor wire and try and chew my speakers so im sure a tube will pose no problem
yes, they can. my mice love climing and hiding in their tubes. and, yes, some of them are vertical
Depends on what it is made out of. Clear plastic? Maybe not.

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