Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Instead of using mice and rats for experiments?

lets make the girl/woman that wants to have an abortion, to carry them long term,give birth and then use the unwanted baby,instead of mice and rats to experiment on,for the better of humanity.

Its better than flushing them down a toilet (discarding them) isn't it and we would get better results than using mice and rats?

Maybe we would find cures and real results instead of using mice and rats.

do you understand...probably not...If we are going to abort babies,then lets use them to experiment on for the betterment of humanity...or should we just let them have the right to life?

What do you think...Abort or use?

Instead of using mice and rats for experiments?
Your tone suggests sarcasm, Mel.

However, I will assume your question was sincere and give you a reasonable answer.

';Abort or use'; is a decision the pregnant woman would make when selecting a facility to terminate her pregnancy. In reality, all health facilities must disclose their methodology of disposing of tissue. They must also get signed consent before submitting tissue for research.

No one has been or ever should be forced to donate their tissue (aborted fetal or otherwise) for research. It is the woman's choice.

Hope this helps.Instead of using mice and rats for experiments?
Morally and personally I do not agree with your proposition one bit! I believe a mother has the right to terminate a child's life (i.e. abortion) whilst in gestation, but your proposition is literally taking one step too far as what to do. What your proposing is murderous torture. I would never say yes to something as bad as this become legalized.
Well um i guess its a good idea because rats a mice feel pain but when babies are born they dont even remember anything when their first born.

More results possibly.

Im 50/50 with you on this. =)

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