Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I have mice in my house. They've been in my house for about 2 weeks now.?

I killed 1 that was probably male. But the female had 6 babies. now ever so often I kill 1 and another one just pops up out of nowhere. But my house is always clean. I never eat anywhere besides the dining room, and I vacume twice a day in every room. That's why the mice are so desperate they even got to eat off of the mouse trap. Last night I left a mouse trap with cheese on it. This morning I found the mouse trap licked clean!! I need help. PleaseI have mice in my house. They've been in my house for about 2 weeks now.?
Try pnut butter - it's lasts longer than cheese -

If that doesn't work?

Start naming them . . .I have mice in my house. They've been in my house for about 2 weeks now.?
go to home depot and get these plastic traps. Its like a big clothes put food (I put peanut butter), when weight is put on the little lever it slams shut on its neck. You get 2 per pack and since there plastic they can be used again.

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When you put out the mouse trap use peanut butter and put tape around it and that should solve the mice getting away. I thought my cousin was crazy for suggesting it but it worked like a charm!!
the weather is starting to get cold, so they want to get in. any small crack will do. look for holes getting in from outside %26amp; plug them up. get a cat.
put peanut butter on the mouse traps, it's sticky %26amp; works better. depending on where you live, sometimes it doesn't matter how clean your house is, but little critters like to find comfortable shelter. i live in the country, and it seems like whenever the weather is bad outside, we have problems with things trying to come inside, feild mice, ants, spiders, ect.
Try a sonic repellant, that you can plug into an electrical outlet. There are several brands available, you can probably find one at your local Wal-Mart or Costco, or any hardware store that carries mouse traps.

I've used them and they work remarkably well. And with plugging them in, you don't have to replace batteries.
try this- it is humane and i just think it is cooler. I've never tried it ,but I've never had a problem. if i do I'm going to try this for sure. anyways, here it is. take an old paper towel cardboard roll and balance it on the end of a table with bait of some kind on the end over hanging the edge. underneath of that put a trash can or some other container that the mouse wont be able to jump out of.

another way is to use a 5-gal paint bucket. drill two holes on opposite sides of the rim and run some string through one hole. put the handle up and tie it off do the same on the other side and secure it so that the handle stays up. hang some candy from that so it dangles over the opening. put a little piece of wood or whatever to make a ramp for them to get to the bait and when they go for it they will fall in!
you know, mice will eat things other than food, but eventually, if there is nothing to eat, they will move elsewhere.

But, a neat trick is to bait a trap where you know the mice are active, but don't set the trap. Do this for several days in a row and they will get brave about taking the bait. THEN bait and set the trap to get the buggers.
try sticky traps cover where you seen them running . its getting colder so youre gonna start seeing them more and more . i live near a huge field . i have a cat he dont even have claws and he still can catch them . he lets me know when theres on in the house. he wont sleep till he gets the damm thing . then he sleeps for a week after . go get a cat from the spca . but a litter maid auto litter box . you wont smell this litter . i never like cats but i get along with this one he does his job earns his keep .
get a cat
Getting a cat is a SUPER idea because mice will smell a cat's scent and not come near the cats territory so you may not even have a mice problem anymore.If a mouse does manage to get into your home, the cat will then take care of that for you.

I had one unfortunate mouse when I moved in and I wondered what my 2 cats were doing for a few days. They were chasing it and cornering it(like watching under the desk for hours and I just thought they were playing with a toy. When I found the dead mouse, it made sense. I never have had another mouse. Go to the rescue and ask for mouser cat.

If you are not a cat person, do not get a cat though. they are an investment of time and money and if you do not love the cat, it will be hard.
First of all, if you put out little cups of antifreeze like one answer suggested, be extremely certain any pets you have can't get into it. It's VERY poisonous to pets. I have a soft heart but hate mice, so I made an easy, ';humane'; trap. I put some bits of bacon and bologna in the bottom of a tall (30 gal.) plastic trash can near where I saw evidence. I leaned a stick up beside the trash can so they could climb up, and sure enough, they dropped right off into the can. Then I was able to safely haul them waaaaay out in the country and turn them loose. This same type of trap works outside for opossums and skunks, but you have to use a bigger, sturdier stick or board for them to climb up, and use cat food for bait. Oh, and if you're trapping skunks, be sure to put the lid on the trash can right away so you don't get sprayed, and tie a loooong string to the lid so you can release it at a safe distance, preferably after dark.
They come in when it starts to get cold. They can get in an opening as small as a dime. Seal and Close any openings, don't leave doors and garage doors open. Use an indoor garbage can with a cover so they can't access the trash. Don't leave out any food. Keep pet food in closed containers. Don't use bird feeders, it attacts them. Keep outdoor garbage sealed up. Keep food covered in cabinets. You can use snap trap with a little peanut butter on them. They sell stickie traps that they will become glued to it- they travel along the walls so place the trap where they showed up prior; continue to leave traps there. If you have pets keep them away so they don't access the traps.
Glue traps are the best method to trap rats and mice. I found detailed information at
try the sticky mouse traps. those never fail.
ive always used peanut butter, harder for them to grab and run. and get a cute kitty kat to get those mice : )
Get the Glue Traps. They come in different sizes. They work great. After catching the critter, you just throw it away...Make sure you put them along walls, counters, and where you know they are frequenting. Good Luck, they are a nuisance!
OK 鈥on鈥檛 kill THEM urself let a professional do it. U shouldn鈥檛 do it because them u might regret it!! Trust me.. instead Call an exterminator
don't use the wooden mouse traps buy the plastic snap traps, they are easy to set and kill faster because try are set off easily.

Also try some poison in your attic. the kind that drys them out so they will just dry up and not leave a smell in your house.
Get a cat.
I forgot- set out tiny little cups of anti-freeze in areas where you see evidence of activity.

If you have pets, move their food off the floor, and put it in a closeable container. Don't leave their bowls full all day.

People typically overlook petfood as a source of food for rodents.
thank you for the chese.......and yes i did notice that the house is a little bit cleaner.....pls don put peanut butter on anythin!!!! for i have allergies. as for my husband that you k illed?....thank you

mice are trying to get in to warm and nest for winter.......clear all leaves up against your house, seal all cracks in block with a can of expanding foam. Wanna catch em? take the handle off scrub bucket, put a string thrugh the hole running across the top. Put peanut butter on the string, fill bucket with less than half water. The mice will crawl across string to get the p butter slip into bucket of water and drown.
i have the best remedy get mice traps like the ones that snap shut and put a piece of kit kat at the end guaranteed to work

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