Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mice are coming in and I need ways to keep them away; any remedys??

freeze peanut butter onto the standard mouse traps!

they can't resist it!

the freezing makes sure the small mice exert enough pressure to trigger the traps.

(:-o)Mice are coming in and I need ways to keep them away; any remedys??
If you own your home, or your lease allows pets, get a cat. Seriously. They are the best deterrent for mice there are. When I bought my house (it sits on the edge of a wooded area), the first winter I was here, mice drove me crazy. Since I got 2 cats 4 years ago, I've found one mouse in the house and it was dead. I've never seen the cats kill a mouse or carrying them around or anything, but they're not here anymore.

If that's not possible, I would probably use mouse poison. Just make sure you follow the directions and keep it away from your food.Mice are coming in and I need ways to keep them away; any remedys??
seal all holes. under kitchen cupboards put steel wool.
go to the local pound and get you a cat, or a

pet store for a snake, or both...they both love

catch them using peanut butter
I would get a cat, not only will the cat kill and eat the rodent just the smell of a cat and the litter will deter the mice from coming in. Have bought several houses that sat empty for a period of time and moved us and the cats in and wha-la no more mice. If however you do decide to get a cat, please do not put out poison for the mice / rodents as the cat will still catch / eat said rodent and then become poisoned also. Very distressful to watch an animal suffer and die from the effects of poison. Not fun.
The only way is to catch them one by one.

Use glue board
first if you can source where they're coming in plug the opening with steel wool...they don't like that. Usually the garage, patio doors, basement windows is a good place to start remember even if you think it's too small they can't possibly get in, THEY CAN! if you don't mind cats that's another good idea...the cat doesn't have to catch them...they'll just smell the cat and then go away, at least that's what happened in my circumstance. I had a very bad problem in my town house every fall/winter they'd be coming in to get out of the cold. Since I got the cat 2 years ago I haven't seen or heard any mice. Good luck I know it's a disgusting problem
Although it's expensive, get an exterminator if you have many of them and can afford it. They put in bait boxes that contain poisoned grain that mice like to eat. The exterminators will tell you that the mice go outside to find water after eating the grain and then they die out there. But sometimes they don't and you'll find them dead (and possibly rotting) in your house.

Also I've heard many people say to go around the outside of your house and put steel wool in any holes that mice could get through. Mice have flexible rib cages and skulls and can get through a 1/4 inch hole. They can't eat through the steel wool, so that will keep them out. But the problem is finding these holes. Good luck.
Get you a couple of female cats they love to catch mice. The tomcats are just too lazy. The only bad thing about cats are they like to throw them all over the room and catch them again before killing them.
Try putting steel wool where they are coming in....

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