Sunday, February 7, 2010

How to get rid of Mice living under the hood of my car...?

So this morning it was -40 Celsius and my car wouldn't start (surprise surprise) and I had got a friend to come over and boost it...when i opened my hood there was a lovely little mouse nest that had caught on FIRE! How can I be sure the lil damner is gone?How to get rid of Mice living under the hood of my car...?
I think the main question, is why the nest caught on fire.

You have no open flame in your engine. No random sparks.

Your engine does not get hot enough to cause a fire. Unless you had been running it for hours, and the nest was on the exhaust manifold. Which is incredibly unlikely.

So, before you drive your car, maybe you should take a look at it, to see what the cause of the fire was. Might be a serious concern to the safety of the vehicle.How to get rid of Mice living under the hood of my car...?
Did you place your sandwich under the hood to get it warm? Try Decon and place a small container of water for them to drink nearby (it activates the poison in the Decon).
set out some mouse traps under the hood and put some cheese on them. you don,t want to set out de con or they might go and die in your car and make a stink.
Keep a few moth balls in crevices under the hood. The smell of these vapors will keep any animal out.
Put a ';No Loitering'; sign on the hood.

Seriously, Do the moth ball routine - it drove the squirrels out of my attic.

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