Sunday, February 7, 2010

When scientist is experimenting, why is it that they use mice as an examples for human behavior like cancer?

That is treatment for like cancer.When scientist is experimenting, why is it that they use mice as an examples for human behavior like cancer?
This National Cancer Institute web page will give you the information you are seeking.鈥?/a>When scientist is experimenting, why is it that they use mice as an examples for human behavior like cancer?
Because mice are very, very, very, very, very, very, very genetically similar to humans. Most humans have some kind of problem understanding this, but it's still true! Get over it!
Because mice too are mammels and although most of their functions are completely different, their immune systems and such are simaler enough to run tests to see if the mouse will say, survive.
Well, the body is an incredibly complex system that we do not understand, so generally we go as far as we can with theory, we get idea based on our limited understanding of what's going on inside our bodies and individual cells, but when it comes time to test out whether these theories have allowed us to make, say, a medicine that will save lives, there's nothing to do but test it out on a living animal. Since experimenting on humans without knowing anything about safely is generally considered to be unethical, we use other animals first, and mice are convenient because they are small, inexpensive, may be genetically manipulated relatively easily, and multiply quickly, giving you many subjects for research. If a drug is tried on mice and found to be both safe and effective, it will eventually be tested on humans to make sure it is for us as well, but only after we've learned what we can from animals.

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