Friday, February 5, 2010

Whats the best way to get rid of mice besides a mouse trap?

Cats. If they don't scare them away..they'll eat them.Whats the best way to get rid of mice besides a mouse trap?
Get a cat and either the mice will run away or end up as food to the cat.Whats the best way to get rid of mice besides a mouse trap?
There is this sticky trap that traps them instantly. all you really need are cheese doritos or something with a strong smell that will attract them. The sticky traps are sure to do the trick, but the bait is as important.
Get a cat they are wonderful pet
Bait type poison is the only way to go.

Plug all entries except the one you believe may be the most used, or closest to the food source they have been using.

Mice can sneak through tiny spots. Look at every water %26amp; gas pipe in your home (under sinks, behind the toilet, in the laundry room, behind stoves and hot water heaters. If you have any missing plug-in's or switch plate covers, replace them. If you have a gas furnace or hot water heater definitely cover or better yet fill any cracks around the duct work or exhaust pipe with spray foam. Hopefully you have weatherization around your doors so their aren't any cracks, but if not, get some. This is also great for keeping out spiders.

I had occasion to clean a vacant apartment and found mouse droppings on top of the fireplace mantle and discovered a small crack just under the mantle, between the brick and wall where the little buggers were crawling into the house through an inner wall.

Next, check every potential hiding/nesting space, especially near a food source and clean it out. Check behind and in your kitchen, bathroom and dresser drawers, even as a kid we would loose a pet hamster or gerbil and eventually find them nesting in, under or behind a drawer (chewed a hole in dads shorts once). I didn't find any droppings in my kitchen cupboards but I found them under the stove and refrigerator. When I took the bottom off the back of the fridge I found a huge pile of dog food, the little buggers had no need to go into my cupboards looking for food, they had an open dog bowl and a big stash packed away inside my fridge.

The reason to leave at least one entry open for a few days after you set out the poison bait is because you want them to eat, but you also want them to take it outside (hopefully feed their babies) and die out their.

Some poisons make them very thirsty before they die so they will seek water. You should have already removed/secured the dogs food and dish, now pick up the water bowl and don't leave either unattended for a few days so the mice have only the poison as food and have to go outside to find a drink. Better they have a way out then you find their rotting little corpse somewhere later.

When you are pretty sure they have stopped coming back for more bait, plug the last hole.
A cat?

My friend uses Humane traps. The mouse just goes in and cant get out. It doesnt kill the mouse. Then she makes her husband take them out to the woods and release them. She actually sent along a baggy full of shredded cheese for them and told him to put it out for them. OMG.. my friend is crazy.
First thing you should do it check you home for any small openings that a mouse could get through and plug it

Check around entire foundation of your home. What you're looking for are small holes and areas where you feel warm air coming from. Plug them up. Remember, mice can get into holes the size of their heads.

You can purchase live traps. Get a mouse, drive down the road and deposit somewhere else.

You could hire a small little weasel, they're brown in the summer and turn white with black tail in the winter. They're great mice catcher. Haven't been bothered with mice the last two years because we have the small critter hanging around here. Kidding about hiring.

People may not agree with me, but I think live traps work better. Hate those glue traps. Don't enjoy hearing them jumping around trying to get loose.

If you take preventative measures and check for holes and the likes, you'll cut down on the number of mice. A cat helps a lot too. If the mice are in your house, the cat will find them.
I saw this on PBS: put Hot Sauce on bread and let it dry. Let the mice have it and they will leave!!! There was a zoo in Ariz. that did this in their aviary with great success. Very humane if that is your goal.

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