Sunday, February 7, 2010

How to comvince your dad to get you mice/rats?

i have been wanting mice or rats for a long time now and i have asked my dad but he keeps on saying no!!

i will not give up untill i get them!

(or one)

please give me some advise!How to comvince your dad to get you mice/rats?
why does he keep saying no? is it that he dislikes rats? or is it just that he doesn't wants pets in the house? if he doesn't like rats, i'm guessing because rats have a very bad rep for being dirty and disease carrying animals, which might be true for wild rats. but the kind you want are domesticated rats. which are totally different from their wild cousens (wild rats) from which they got their bad reputation. but domesticated rats (the kind you can get at the pet store) are very clean animals, that don't carry disease. and they don't bite, as they're the most docile pet in the rodent family you could ever own. they make great pets, they don't smell, they're very smart like dogs but alot smaller, you can teach them their names, teach them to do tricks, play with them, cuddle with them. they'll show their love back to you. it takes alot and along time to get them to bite, you really would have to be very cruel to them to get them to bit you. hey if they were that nasty of animals they wouldn't be legal to keep as pets. I don't know what else to tell you, tell your dad to research pet rats, and you can do some research your ownself. I used to think of rats as hostle nasty dirty animals until I got my first rat; I named her bermuda, she was a sweetie, I miss her. now I have six rats, and breed them too. I get you some links for you to look over, and tell your dad to look over them too. if you or your dad have any questions about rats feel free to email me at good luck ~JeffHow to comvince your dad to get you mice/rats?
My kids begged so long, I gave in and bought them two, now I like them just as much as the kids do. They are low maintenance and sooo darn cute!
This is how I did it when I was like three. I got on the computer read about rats and what the pros and cons are copy and pasted on paper showed it ti my mom and she still said no(it was a big thing for a 3 year old to do). A few days later I brought the rats up again found out why. Apparently her reason was that that they scared her. I then made her promise that she would at least hold a rat and do some research on them by saying never to judge a book by its cover(she told me that the day be fore). So basically find out why.
why would you want any? wtf? your dad is right!!
Why do you want a rat? Get a hamster they are so cute. Maybe your dad doesnt like rats besides rats are big and creepy and stink so bad(what i heard of) and I knew some one who had a rat but needed a big cage. Hamsters are better.
I agree that rats are way better than mice. I've had both but rats are much more social and loving. I have 12 right now and they're the best pets I've ever had. I saw someone said that they need big cages. It's best to have 2 rats because they are social and the bigger the cage the better simply because they are very active. They are lots of work though so I'd only recommend them if you can really spend the time it takes to clean and care for them. One of the sites that helped educate me on rats was i also got our first rat for my youngest daughter. I wasn't sure about it and i was a little creeped out but i soon grew to love that ratty and research them. i was amazed at how loving and intelligent they are and i think if your father was better informed he might reconisder. of course i don't know your father so maybe i'm wrong. best advice......find out all the facts and then give a presentation. it's best to educate and show him REAL facts. a lot of people do not understand rats. if he doesn't change his mind i'd let it go and just wait until i could afford it myself and had my own place. as much as i love rats it's never worth fighting with your family all the time. Good luck.
My family has had fancy rats for 20 years and they are the sweetest pets you could ask for. Much better than mice. Rats are very cute and so attentive to people. They aren't nocturnal like hamsters, so they don't get cranky during the day and run on their wheels all night. When we'd come in the room, the ratties would jump up on their cage bars for attention. They enjoyed sitting on our shoulders while we walked around or snuggling in our sweaters when we watched TV. I can't say enough good about rats. They come in pretty colors, so you don't have to have a big white or black rat. they live longer than mice.鈥?/a>
Hurry up and get old enough to leave home and get your own pets. Until then, it is his house, his rules, and no rodents.

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