Sunday, February 7, 2010

How many Mice does it take to screw in a light bulb??

Two. The hard part is getting them into the light bulbHow many Mice does it take to screw in a light bulb??

i dont get itHow many Mice does it take to screw in a light bulb??
dont get it
i bet you took a photo of that naughty!
Ha ha very good.
lol, i like that one, thanks
you clever clogs, lol.
LOL yeah heard that one before, when younger, and didn't get it at the time. had to have it explained! get it now tho obviously. :)
Squeak, squeak!!
hey thats quit funny i have on for you :

ok . theres this man he goes to the airport to get a flight for jamaica and he cant say words propely and he jumbles them up so he asks the ticket guy for a ticket

' excuse me , may i purchase a ' licket ' (meaning ticket)

so he gets his ticket ....

and then he goes to the snack bar and asks for a cake bun

' excuse me , may i purchase a 'bum '(meaning bun)

then he gotsotiredof walking hetold one of the passengers to hold his items

'excuse me sir , can you hold my bum and lick it (meaning can you hold my bun and ticket )

basically he tells the passenger to hold his BUM and LICK IT!

do you think its funny ?
just two,,
best joke ive seen on here in ages !
ha ha very witty

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